4 Father’s Day Activities for Kids to Try This Year

It’s almost that time of year again when we celebrate the special dads in our lives. Are you looking for Father’s Day activities for children of multiple age groups? From sensory play to family photoshoots, here are four Father’s Day activity ideas to try with your kids this year. 

4 Father’s Day Activities for Kids to Celebrate Dad

Father’s Day activities can be challenging if you have children of multiple age groups. Below we’ll share four Father’s Day activity ideas for babies and toddlers to celebrate dad as a family. 

1. Handprint Father’s Day Cards for Sensory Play

First on our list of Father’s Day activities are handprint cards. Cards are a classic go-to gift for all occasions, but you can make them extra special by making them together with the kids. Finger and hand painting are not only fun crafts but also beneficial sensory play for young children. All you’ll need is toxic-free paint, canvases, scissors, construction paper, glue, and a marker which are all relatively cheap to buy. 

Here’s how to make handprint Father’s Day figure cards for children: 

  • Paint half the bottom half of the child’s hand for the pants and the top half for the shirt at the same time – make sure to use two different colors and press down to create the body 
  • Paint the other hand the same way, but using a skin color for the bottom half and hair color for the top half – make sure to use two different colors and press down  
  • Clean off paint if necessary, and paint the thumbs the same skin color paint to create the hands and ears 
  • With parental supervision and child-safe scissors, cut out a tie using any construction paper color 
  • Use a marker to add face and tie details, and write a personalized note 
father's day craft activities for kids
Source: Fun Handprint Art 

A handprint cart is a perfect Father’s Day gift from a toddler because it’s a craft that’s easy, entertaining, and sure for dads to love.  

2. Paper Bag Dad Puppets for Simple Easy Crafts

If you’re a mom looking for Father’s Day ideas for preschoolers, paper bag dad puppets are a great option. All you’ll need is some paper bags, construction paper, scissors, glue, and markers for an easy and fun craft celebrating Dad.  

father's day activities for children
Source: Our Kid Things 

Simply cut out construction paper pieces for the eyes, nose, hair, and tie in any color. Next, color the paper bag for the shirt and make sure it’s dry before gluing any pre-cut pieces. Glue on the eyes, nose, hair, and tie to build the body. Finally, using the marker, add face details like smiles, eyebrows, or any unique dad features that will make him laugh.  

3. “Shave” Dad’s Beard Crafts for Imaginative Play

Does the dad in your life that you’re celebrating have a big beard? Then try “shaving” dad’s beard as one of your Father’s Day activities. Using whipped cream and a paper-made “razor”, have dad and the kids “shave” a drawing or print of their dad. You can use printable pieces or draw them yourself on paper with this kid’s crafting option. 

father's day activities for young kids
Source: PlaefulPrintables 

These are great Father’s Day activities for toddlers and Father’s Day crafts for preschoolers because they can partake in imaginative play, which is crucial to young children’s development.  

4. Father’s Day Family Photoshoot for Lifelong Memories

Last on our list of Father’s Day activities is a family photo shoot. Photoshoots are not only practical Father’s Day activity ideas because all children’s age groups can be involved, but it’s a memory that’ll last a lifetime. Whether you’re looking for Father’s Day ideas for toddlers or older kid Father’s Day ideas, a photoshoot is perfect for everyone.  

If you’re going DIY for a Father’s Day photoshoot, make sure you know how to take good baby pictures at home. Parents know that kids are energized, and it can be challenging if you have multiple little ones to pose or sit still.  

father's day photoshoot
Source: Jennifer Beck Photography 

Here are some Father’s Day photoshoot tips: 

  • Plan the photoshoot time after the baby’s nap 
  • Use natural lighting on your family’s faces and not behind to prevent shadows/glares 
  • Include silly and fun poses to make the shoot entertainment for kids 
  • Pre-plan some simple sitting and standing poses and practice beforehand 

Consider matching dad-and-me outfits for your Father’s Day photoshoot with Bebé Couture. From baby bow ties to newborn tuxedos, we can make your little man look handsome with Dad while creating core memories together. 

Get Gifts for New Dads at Bebé Couture this Father’s Day

Now that you know four Father’s Day activities for kids, remember to buy him a present! At Bebé Couture, we have the perfect 1st Father’s Day gifts that he and his mini-me will love. Whether you’re looking for new dad gifts or need Father’s Day gifts for expectant dads, we have you covered.  

Shop our catalog for the special dads in your life today! 

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